Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Building a Retaining Wall: Day 1

Today is the first day of work on a retaining wall Mike and I are working on for the next little while. The wall will be primarily to provide an area for planting. The homeowners would like to plant a large tree in between the two houses for privacy. Today's work will mostly include excavation and laying out the exact location. 

This is the area before any work had began. It is located in between the two houses it's very open and lacks privacy. We have to scrape the bedrock clean and clear away the brush and debris.

Most of Mike scraping the moss and dirt off the bedrock. For the most part digging is easy and only requires a small amount of scraping to expose the bedrock.

Finally some quick scraping with a small hand tool allows us to get a clean surface so that any concrete we need to poor will bond well.

The part that I have chosen to prepare has proven to be quite a lot more work. Having dug over 2 feet down in one area without finding any bedrock, we decide to pour a concrete footing instead.

The hole is widened to provide enough bearing on the loose soil. Filling the hole with some large rocks helps to take up some space so that it doesn't take to much concrete to fill the hole.

After hand mixing 5 bags of ready mix concrete on a tarp the footing is poured and there will be some adequate bearing for our retaining wall in this area. The tarp is placed over the top and covered with insulation to keep it warm enough to set up over night.

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